But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless. Psalm 10:14
What is the India Project?
India projects seek to inspire and transform Musahar and Nat communities from the inside out through practical education and spiritual discipleship. Each project provides opportunities for children to receive academic, nutritional, and spiritual education. Even in the midst of overwhelming oppression, God is transforming the hearts of children and raising up a generation that is rooted in their true identity and hope in Jesus.
The Musahar are the poorest people in India. They are considered the “untouchables” and face constant discrimination for being members of an “Out Caste” society, below even the lowest caste level. Many Musahar are enslaved to bonded labor and endure hazardous working conditions and abuse. They are forced to work off a generational debt that is constantly manipulated by their masters and is never possible to repay. The justification for the mistreatment of the Musahar is rooted in the Hindu belief in Karma and reincarnation. This belief system condemns the Musahar to a lowly, sub-human status as it is believed to be what they deserve for their former life.
Natwar refers to a people group in India who were historically known as the Hindu temple prostitutes. Present day Natwar children are forced into commercial sex work. Children are exploited, trafficked, and objectified as young as six years old. Entire Natwar villages are financially supported by child prostitution. This abuse is perpetuated by religious justification and lack of physical, emotional, and spiritual education. Many Natwar children and families cannot imagine a better life for themselves.

Leaders reach out to children trapped in oppression
Leaders share the gospel and provide children access to education and nutrition
Children grow away from their abusive culture
Children are inspired to use their education to impact their community
Children become influential leaders who transform their society